
Day of Rest!

After a very stressful semester, I took a day off to rest and be spiritually recharged. Many times we as Christians run ourselves down and we have to have a renewal, by spending time with God. What a wonderful day it has been and I am writing this at the start of a new day!

Sunday, I got to spend some time with some kin folk and preached the morning service at Amity Baptist Church in Whatley, AL. What a great morning it was! I was able to speak, with God's direction, on the life of Jeremiah. I really love Jeremiah's life, it gives me and every Christian believer great hope and joy.

Jeremiah was a man that was called out by God to be a prophet and was given a task that many people would not prefer to do. He was to carry God's judgments to the nations. These nations had turned their backs on the One and Only, True God, they had turned to other gods. He doubted his calling, saying that he was young and did not know how to speak. God told him that His words would be in his mouth. Jeremiah went to the nations declaring God's judgments.....with no one listening to him and turning from their gods.

We as Christians need to look at Jeremiah's life and see that he was given a task by God and he faithfully obeyed Him, even though the people rejected what he said. He was faithful and he did exactly what God had told him to do.

(Jeremiah 1)

1) Jeremiah was called out by God.
2) Jeremiah doubted that he was capable of doing what God had commanded, God reassured him.
3) Will you be faithful to Him?

Today is the day! Faithfully follow whatever He tells you to do and go wherever He leads!

May God Bless and Keep you!